A Love Story / Musings

“Where do you begin to tell the story of the first and most important people in your life? This is the story of a man and woman who were everything to me. As a very little girl I was so proud of my Dad and Mom. He loved my Mother passionately, played baseball, smoked cigars, and won enough money play poker to buy all of us hoola hoops. Does it get any better than that? I have often thought how much Dad would have enjoyed 2004. ESPN, remote control, picture in a picture, recording programs for future viewing, 2004 Red Sox champs, Arnie’s Army still intact. Not to mention all of us; Andrew smoking the basketball court, Bob’s first child, Caitlin working in a chic story at Armory Square, Hannah and Hunter in their Steeler outfits, Ben and Tommy doing so well in college, the diversity of Ned and David playing musical instruments, chess and baseball, beautiful Emma with her kissable lips, Paulie hitting a home run during a Babe Ruth champion ship game and Kelly a factory working mother of two. We are truly blessed. How many Dads use ivory soap to wash their hair and is vitalis still on the market? Mom did it all. Her early years were preoccupied with diapers, washing dishes and talking on the phone. She will tell you they were the best years of her life. Mom what wonderful lessons you gave to us. The best example is how you and Dad looked at each other as you walked up to bed each evening with a big much of coffee and the air conditioner going hmmmmmm …..” (-Nancy 2004)


Hi Mom.  Hi Dad. Do you remember these photographs? The where, when, why. Sure wish you were here to fill in the details. Alas … you are away now, forever, But together.

These photos. Almost silhouettes. Short on exacting details. but more than enough for me to know instantly, it is you!

No way to know your ages & places in life that day, but certainly before any of “US”.

The body of water behind each Of you. My My reaction is Owasco, but what are those mountains or hills behind you to the back of Dad?

Clearly posed.  Who decided this was a scene and setting to preserve?  Did you photograph each other? Was another couple with you?

I sense this is the Fall.  You are Wearing coats.  Did you drive somewhere to share the day The day …  The changing colors … Each other?

I see you.  I see the youth on The silhouette of your Faces. I see dreams and   Hope all over these photos..

When these photos were produced At the camera shop, were You excited to see them? I am confident that you looked At them together … You Mutually remarked how much fun you had together That day.

Then .. you saved the photos … For me.

-Mike / October 2018

Teresa Hoercher