

With apologies to Jack & Paul, Marguerite & Michael McBride I have never been a fan of the month of August.  August is the last “real” month of the summer. It is typically hot and humid in upstate New York. The least interesting of golf’s major tournaments (PGA) takes place in August although beginning next year the PGA will be played in May.  August marks the beginning of the end of summer fun. Oh yea, there is that anniversary in August that we all dread.

Over the years, I noticed that Mom’s demeanor changed as we got closer and closer to the anniversary of Dad’s passing and understandably so.  She used to describe her demeanor as being “a little bit mopey”. I was similarly emotional this past weekend. I am very proud of John for what he has accomplished over the past four years and I cannot wait to see where he will go and what he will do.  I am proud that John is a Le Moyne graduate like Mom, Mary and me.

So why am I feeling “mopey”?  Commencement is supposed to be fun.  Commencement is supposed to be a beginning.  Being on stage with John as he received his diploma is supposed to be a proud moment.  So why am I feeling “mopey”? I have decided there are two reasons for my mixed emotions and “mopiness”.

It occurred to me during the baccalaureate mass that the Le Moyne chapter of my life is going to end very soon.  I will not participate in another commencement weekend. I will not return for alumni events. On July 16th, I will not report for work.  Eliminated/Retired… It rained throughout the commencement ceremony, which did not lessen my “mopiness”.

I was also emotional this past weekend because there was someone missing.  Mom would have been very proud to attend her grandson’s graduation from her alma mater.

“John, did I ever tell you that in my day, Le Moyne seniors were expected to wear their academic robes to class each day?”

“John, did you know that in my day, Le Moyne freshmen were required to wear beanies?”

“John, I am so proud of you.”

“John Crawford Ringwood, Le Moyne graduate…I love it!”

I decided that there had to be some way to close the circle.  There had to be some way to make sure that Mom “attended” Le Moyne’s 68th commencement.  I have a button that Mom received during one of her alumni weekend returns to Le Moyne and I asked John to have it in his pocket during the ceremony.  When we reconnected after the ceremony, John unzipped his “Black Robe” to show me that Mom’s button was pinned inside so that it would be close to his heart.  As if I were not emotional already…

I am still feeling emotional these days but not quite as “mopey” because Mom made it to commencement.  The Le Moyne circle is closed.

-David Ringwood / May 2018
