Musical Memories - Patty

If I was deserted on an island and had just one album with me it would have be the Moody Blues’ To Our Children’s Children’s Children  (1969).  I started listening to the band in high school but really fell in love with them at Nazareth when I was dating David.  We listened to them all the time and my favorite song was Eyes of a Child  by John Lodge.  We’ve seen them in concert more times than I can count and STILL hope with fingers crossed that they’ll return to CMAC in the summer.  What a fabulous album design it is with hands drawing on the cave walls. Just perfect for an art teacher to love right?

I remember doing a slide presentation during my student teaching at the World of Inquiry with this song as background and again at St. Agnes High School and Williamson Elementary. Do you see all the markings on the album sleeve that I’ve made?  That’s the planning I did with my less-than-musical- brain to indicate when I would advance to another slide. Yes…with a Kodak slide projector if you can imagine! I always have a picture of Brielle on the window near my art room door with the chorus of the song printed under it. It’s so very beautiful….

With the eyes of a child                                                                                               You must come out and see That your world’s spinning ‘round                                                                              And through life you will be A small part of a HOPE of a LOVE that exists In the eyes of a child you will SEE

I’d need to have this album (this song in particular) with me because it represents the utter joy and truth that I have experienced through my own children and the 1000’s I have taught over 40 years.  There is nothing more precious than the perspective of a child!

Listen hear the sound … The child awakes … Wonder all around …The child awakes … Now in his life … He never must be lost … No thoughts must deceive him … In life he must trust.

And…If I could please sneak in a second one it would be Chicago’s Greatest Hits.  The brass…our wedding song (Colour My World)…so many beautiful love songs.  

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