PAUL JAMES RINGWOOD II   Proud Ringwood and Auburnian … Child with Dreams - Man of Faith


Paul Ringwood lives a BIG life.  I suspect that many would call him a visionary, an “ideas” man.  He is the guy that you want on your team because he gets things DONE! He has strong opinions that he likes to share and is most pleased when you agree with his take on things.  He loves fiercely - his wife, children, family, friends, Auburn and his faith!

Surprise, I recently discovered a treasured truth about brother Paul!  He leads a BIG life because Paul deeply cares about all of the small moments and mementos, collected and organized from the past to the present, that leads up to his current oh-so-wonderful life.

Summer 2019 began with a scheduled day with Paul (what fun) that was coordinated after a phone conversation. You don’t have to read between the lines with Paul, he called me to tell me that he loved the RFT and would like to contribute but the thought of writing a blog just stressed him out.  (Now tell me, can you just hear his voice??) My reply, ”Would you let me write a piece about you?” and thankfully he agreed.

Paul likes to work hard and have fun, he is a smiler and a hugger, not afraid to shed a tear or two and without a fact Paul likes to talk and lead conversation.  His head is filled with thoughts and stories and ideas and you can almost see them bursting out of his blue eyes! I thought carefully about this piece of time that I would share with Paul. I knew that I wanted to capture something but there was no way that I could capture everything!  I don’t have the words or the capacity to compose a “this is your life essay” on a figure as big as Paul. We sat out on his patio. I could tell he was not sure where this was going … after all I was driving the bus that typically he navigates! So, I shared with Paul my focus … his collections, the Great Race, Paul Ringwood Award and Auburn favorites!  (Off the table were Maryellen, Paulie lll, Mitch and Ryan because they too have BIG stories to be shared at another time!)

Collections … baseball cards, albums, playbills, golf keepsakes, ticket stubs (sporting, concert, museums, movies) newspaper clippings, photographs, cards, letters, postcard - he has it all. All those little pieces are valued and collectively they document his life. I asked Paulie about all of this (not even knowing the extent of his collections) and with his boyish grin he said, “I figured there was going to be a presidential library someday.” He felt he gained that appreciation for legacy from Dad and just has always loved to see a Ringwood name in the paper …”it was a big deal”. Many of these pieces are collected into collage posters, framed and hung in his basement sitting room. We talked about them … favorite concerts STEELY DAN and SANTANA…baseball YANKEES with Dad and his sons…and golf with his brothers. He summed it up as “some wild shit that I have done!”

Our patio chatter ventured all over the place … Philadelphia trip with Mom and Dad, trip to visit Aunt Nancy with David, SCC picnics, Holy Family, shared birthday celebration with Jack, Mom’s retirement party and Ted. '“Mom and Dad taught us what we needed to do and with a sense of discipline it helped us all develop. They gave us identify, faith and work ethic and so often without words.” In a way unique to Paul, he commented on his relationship to his siblings and said with a smile and a choke in his voice “we are as tight as anything I know.”

Off we went to Parker’s for lunch where Paul nodded and waved to a number of people. After settling down, we talked about the GREAT RACE (GR), truly an Auburn iconic event and an organization in which Paul has been devoted to for a number of years!! For all of us 8/13/1978 holds powerful meaning and it is also the date of the first GR. The event was sponsored by the YMCA; back then there was a strong running group in Auburn. The race was modeled after a similar event in MA … 100 teams participated. For a number of years 124 Owasco served as a water station for the runners as well as a prime spectator spot. Many Ringwood siblings, cousins and loved ones have participated (brother Paul - 10 times)! This year marks the 41st Great Race. There have been some changes along the way including the short course designed for family participation and the award for this event is the RINGWOOD AWARD. Paul told me a number of funny stories including the GR hidden acronym ”IOFR “- but I will let him share with you the details on that! He spoke with such pride about Auburn’s hometown race, the award in Dad’s honor and now the fact that his son Ryan has taken a leadership role on the GR committee. The good stuff just continues! We never went down the road of the Paul Ringwood Award that Paulie was instrumental in organizing through Auburn High School Athletics. I did, however, ask Paul if he could name some of his FAVORITE Auburn places as: a child, teen, young man, husband/father. Photo gallery #2,3,4 and 5 showcase those spots! Our brother truly is a man that honors legacy!

Let’s go back to Paul’s basement … one side was recently renovated into great living space and the other is the tidiest basement space I have ever seen. The space is utilized well and all items are organized and labeled. Yes, there are boxes for each member of his immediate family. Paul opened a big blue bin and he pulled out the NY Giants coats purchased by Dad. He stills has it - just look at Paul’s face in the photograph below - pride and love!. The item that really caught my eye was a clear bin that contained a number of files…his sibling files. About a year ago, Paul organized his collection of sibling memories into neat files. “It connects me to a time and it is also a real personal relationship with everyone.” “Check this out” he said as he pulled out an 8 and 1/2 x 11 photo of Patty carrying the Olympic Torch in a Rochester race. He was beaming. The day was coming to a close - my head was full of Ringwood stories from the perspective of brother Paul. I almost felt the need to let it rest and sit happily in my heart. Paul let me take his sibling file bin home … oh boy I had NO idea!


This was harder than I thought because I am better when I know what to expect! Paul gave me the gift and opportunity of letting me into his world of special Ringwood sibling stuff. Many “things” I remembered but many I did not. Well, never doubt if Paul really loves you - he does because he is quick to say it and he treasures any handwritten note you have sent - yup … they are saved! He values the successes of siblings, nieces and nephews. Below are photographs of items that Paul has saved in the files and I will only mention a few connected to each of us.

Nancy: Citizen article on Patrick and the mural at the back of Hairlooms / Mike: 1973 note and receipt for the Bob Hoey Jr. District Golf Tournament / Patty: Nazareth Commencement Graduation Booklet / Tom: Post Standard article “I Can’t Wear Anything Else” / Jack: Postcards from England / Teresa: AHS Musical “Oliver” / David: Philadelphia souvenirs / Peter: Wedding Program / Bob: Valentines / Crazy Stuff: “Mother of 10 Arrested” and listing of 124 house sale contents.

Do yourself a favor … spend a day with Paul and let him talk and take you down the journey of your sibling file. Gallery #1 contains numerous photos from the contents of each file - ENJOY!

Thanks Paul!

T 7/2019

FAVORITE AUBURN - PAUL AS A BOY 124 Owasco, John W house, Little League Fields, Holy Family, Rushacks, Hoopes Park!

FAVORITE AUBURN - PAUL AS A TEEN Friendly’s, Emerson Park, Bob W house, Casey Park, Holy Family Gym

FAVORITE AUBURN - PAUL AS A YOUNG MAN Cayuga Community College, Tinkers, Tennis Club

FAVORITE AUBURN - PAUL … Husband & Father House #1-2-3-4, Hairlooms, Balloons, Sacred Heart