"You Know You Are From Auburn If ..."
POSTCARDS ARE AVAILABLE FOR $1.00 EACH … Please contact me at auburnpcproject@gmail.com to place an order. Thanks!
THE POSTCARD PROJECT “Born and Raised in Auburn, NY” -est. 2019 Teresa Ringwood Hoercher auburnpcproject@gmail.com
Welcome to THE POSTCARD PROJECT, a passion project designed to celebrate Auburn, NY! An image can produce emotions and memories, instantly powerful. May these images, connected to your words bring a bit of joy in a simple day. Have Fun!
10% of all proceeds will be donated to the AUBURN EDUCATION FOUNDATION
A Little Bit About How It Started …
A new year often brings opportunity. Some of us attempt new challenges and goals; I like to think that my new year begins with a project. 2014 began with an idea …. postcards! My new year thought was to actively engage in sending postcards to those that I love, family and friends and those that touched my life along this journey. In 2014 I was also choosing HAPPINESS, in small but meaningful ways. Pharrell Williams’ song HAPPY was everywhere; that sweet tune, his dear style and the way it was captured in video and dance by many really clung to my heart. And so, nine postcards to nine siblings were sent in the mail that January 2014.
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof;
Clap along if your feel like happiness is the truth;
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you;
Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do…
The postcards continued and often resulted in a return surprise! That simple joy of finding a postcard stuck within the pile of junk mail became so important. The images and the words - just about as perfect as an oreo cookie! I was hooked. Suddenly I found myself on the hunt for new postcards, the perfect postcard for just the right person. Messages often included a: hello, thank you, miss you, I am sorry, remember when, I wish, and what do you think kind of thought! Each postcard I have received in return has been saved - they all tell a story.
Why Postcards?
I am not really sure what drew me to postcards. Perhaps I was sensing a world that communicated more by email, text, instagram and more. And while that can be wonderful, there is something really special about a note in the mail - the mystery of it, the personality of the handwriting! Composing a letter takes time; and for many of us precious time is limited. The postcard is perfect, and oh those pictures!
In 2005 my mother, Joan Crawford Ringwood, wrote a book called THE SUN STILL RISES; it is a family treasure. In it she writes about the courtship between her parents, Teresa and John Crawford.
He courted her at the Women’s Union. He would come and meet her in the parlor. That was their courtship. There was always some story in the family that every once in awhile he’d get a postcard because they didn’t have phones. He’d get a postcard that said to call the Women’s Union, so obviously she liked him a lot.
And so, I’d like to think that my roots really did begin with postcards.
Join in my postcard project. Find a card with an image that speaks to you. Send it along with a message that will mean something special to someone else Enjoy!