
Reflections from #7 - Paul

Mrs. Tennity

I often felt that Mrs. Tennity was a part of our family. How funny was it when she would press her face against the  window to watch us eat? I'll bet that  she wished  she were sitting with us enjoying the conversation. I'm  surprised  that  we never  invited  her over for dinner! Do you think she could have handled it?

Cocktails Before Dinner

I love our tradition of having a happy hour before dinner. I've always felt that this helped extend the entire process of eating dinner and that was how we started this daily event. I remember one time sitting with Dad in the back yard before dinner and just as Patty walked into the yard, a bird pooped right on her head. On another occasion, sitting with Dad in the back yard, Teresa came walking up Dad started to throw peanuts at her. Taking his cue, we all joined in.

Naming a Baby

I remember sitting around the table just before Bob was born and Mon and Dad asked each one of us our thought on a new name for the future Ringwood baby. Mike was so clever in suggesting Adolph. I'm pretty sure that I was the one that came up with the name Robert. How great was it that Mom and Dad included us in this very important decision.

Picking Numbers

What a great way to make desert exciting. It was always Dad that went around the table and it was a good bet that if you were fighting with the person that "WON", the desert would hear the other way and you'd end up being last. We never did pick a number for the fruitcake.

Spaghetti Nights - Tom the Waiter

I will never forget the night Morn made homemade spaghetti sauce. I think someone gave Mom a couple of tomatoes and she decided to make sauce. As you all know, spaghetti was the only meal that we didn't get ourselves. The wait staff that night included Tom, Teresa and me. Well, as we all know, sauce with dog hair isn't a recipe that anyone would want to pass down. Who knew that this would lead to a very distinguished career at the Hollywood!

Bob& Pete

It's been said that Pete spilled his mike for record twenty nights in a row. I'm confident that this record still stands. One of my favorite memories of dinner was the night that Bob pulled a pool balI out of his diaper and threw it on the table. Nothing seemed to bother Mom and she handled this like a glass of spilled milk.

"The Dinner Table"

I like to think back on the countless hours that we spent as a family at the dining room table. All the major issues were discussed including the greatest golf shots ever made. I say that getting together for dinner every night was one of those things that set us apart from most other families. Dinner at 124 Owasco St. was  an event.  It didn't matter if we were having hot dogs of steak; the most important part of any day was spent at the dinner table. This was the time that kept us all connected. We would laugh and on more

than one occasion, we would cry. Let's all remember that the dinner table was in the kitchen, the back yard or at Skaneateles Country Club. The table has moved to I04 Mary St. but it's the people who sit around it that make it so special. The stories are great and I never get bored listing to them. Thanks to all the in-laws that have to put up with these stories. I love you all and I hope you enjoy some of the memories that I have from what I still consider the most important part of any day.

Assigned Seats.

We all knew where to go. You always had a partner to sit next to. Teresa and I would find a way to play games. The lineup was Dad - Nancy - David - Jack - Patty - Peter - Mom - Bob - Paul - Teresa - Bernie - Tom - Mike. There was never any fighting about spots. Can you imagine how this felt to a guest eating over for the first time? One memory I have is when Teddy Prystal ate over an announced that the only desert that he didn' t like was yellow JellO .  Guess what we had that night? .

Chocolate Milk

I  always loved it when Bernie would bring over chocolate milk for Sunday Dinner. The lucky ones would get an extra glass and there was  never any left over. I think I learned the hard way the meaning of " rich" all because of the chocolate milk. I still love chocolate milk and it will always be a special treat to me.


Sundays usually started with a trip over to Bernie' s house for church. I must say that I was always concerned that Bernie might get hit by a car as she spotted Dad's car and would begin the wavc across Swift St. She always made it and that's how we often started another Sunday. Bernie was always good for a couple of fresh baked pies and I would always hope that she made a cherry pie. Bernie usually made apple but what was up with that mincemeat. Now dinner in the kitchen was often less formal but always eventful. We still have the groove in the kitchen table that Bernie wore down with her thumb nail. By the way, who was the second Pope? Wasn't it Pope Pius the 12°'? As for hotdogs, they repeat on me.

One quick story on Bernie. We were having grapes for desert one Sunday night and as I wouldn 't eat the seeds. I felt it appropriate to spit them out and watch them slide across the vinyl tablecloth right at Bernie. Well, Dad didn't think this was very bright and I can tell you that it was the earliest I ever had to go to bed. I think it was about 6:30 and still very much light outside. That was the day I decided  that seedless grapes were the best.

Patty' s Chair

How come Patty got her own chair and where is that chair today? As I stated earlier, we all had our place with no questions asked. Patty got the chair, we just all knew it.

Telling Stories

What if? That's how I often started a story. I think the only time I really saw Bernie laugh was when she would tell a story about the old days. I must thank each and every in-law for their patience with all of us as we continue to repeat the same stories over and over again. I love them all and I never get bored listening to  them .  Over the years the details seem to become less important but it does help us relive a  moment in time that we recall with love. I'm still waiting for someone to go water skiing behind a canoe!


What a great ritual it was to say the Advent prayer every night. I loved it when it was my tum to read. As usual, it was a treat to use the candle snuffer to put out the candles. I'm so glad that we continue this tradition at my house. Need I say anything about "Livest and Rangest"?

Christmas Dinner

The shortest "Tradition" ever held was the Christmas Dinner that Mom thought it would be a good idea to go around the table and tell each other what we were thankful for. I will never forget Dad's words about how lucky he felt to have this time with us. He said he wasn't sure if he was going to make it through his open heart surgery. As we all know, lots and lots of tears were shed that night and I think we've continued this tradition as we're all pretty good about telling each other how much we love each other.

I think I enjoyed Christmas Eve dinner better than the Christmas Day dinner. The excitement of the day was great and it was always my job to keep David calm. The gift exchange took some time and this helped move the evening along as we all looked forward to Christmas Day. There was always plenty of food but Christmas dinner was always amazing. I really don' t know how Mom did it! As for creamed onions, I think I'll pass.

Tuna Noodle Casserole

I know that it comes as a surprise to everyone outside our family that lent lasts all year long. If it's Friday,  it's  probably  going to be tuna  noodle casserole.  Mom,  can I make a PBJ for diner? For those of you that missed  Mom' s  famous  fish chowder,  I can tell you that it was perhaps the worst dinner Mom ever made. It was so bad  that before I went out that night, Bernie gave me a couple of bucks and told me to go to McDonalds and get something to  eat. I like to think about all the  delicious  food that Mom prepared each and every day. Dirt & Worms, Boiled Chicken, Ham & Scalloped Potatoes,

Golf Scores

How many rounds of golf were discussed at the dinner table? How many meals started late due to the length  of  a  PGA  golf  match.  If it weren't  for Arnold Palmer winning his last tour event, we would not have had the pleasure of dining at the Pioneer and feasting on Crispy Fried Turkey. The dinner table moved to a restaurant on that day and what a treat that was. I'm still convinced that it was Valentines Day and what a great way to celebrate.

Off to Watch Walter

We all knew that dinner was over when Dad would announce that he was going to watch the end of the CBS news with Walter Cronkite. That was the que for those ofus that had kitchen jobs to start and then head off to our rooms for at least one hour of homework. In Jack's case it was time for a quick nap.

One Word for Everyone

Nancy - Professional

Mike  - Cool

Patty - Creative

Tom -  Popular

Jack -  Smart

Teresa - Organized

David - Focused

Peter  -  Perfect

Bob - Bob

I want each and every one of you to know that I love, admire and respect you and that I find strength in the love and support that I receive from you all. Thanks for being such an important part of my life. We are all truly lucky to have each other!

Teresa Hoercher