On the subject of Dad - Jack Ringwood
On the subject of Dad...
Spent a TON of time this weekend doing yard work. (Not to brag, but I will. Planted over 30 bushes, including moving five very well-established hydrangea from the backyard to the side of the house.)
Something happened on Saturday that I like to think of as a "small story" that, perhaps, only the ten of us would truly appreciate.
If you look at the picture you see a flower bed, a lilac bush (just planted), some more flowers to plant and a garden rake.
I had just finished putting the lilacs in and stepped back to see how it looked. Backing up...not paying attention...stepped right on the garden rake.
Not really a big deal. But it was because the prongs of the garden rake were pointed down, not up. Just the way I vividly remember Dad saying "...always point the tools down." Not a lecture, just a bit of good advice from a dad who wouldn't want somebody to get hurt.
He probably said it to me sometime in the 1960's. I'm not exaggerating: when I do yard work, and I'm using those tools, I always think of Dad. So that means, more than fifty years later...and after thinking of him thousands of times in whatever yard I was working on...he's still taking care of us.
On Saturday, I stepped on that garden rake and, without missing a beat said, "Whoa, thank you Dad."