Paul was a great kid.   He was born in August. He had eczema and a lot of skin problems and he was restless because of that, but he got over that.  He was a fun kid.

He was born on Steel Street.  I’d wheel him down to the Y-Field to watch the other kids play.  Some days, if it was nice out, I’d put him in his carriage and take him outside to take his nap. Paul was the Christmas kid.  He loved Christmas. He’d tiptoe down the stairs and try to get everybody up in the middle of the night. He was so happy about Christmas.  He still it.

We moved when he was a little older than two.  One day I dressed him up in his snowsuit and let him go out to play and the mailman came alone.  He had one of this push cards with is bag on it. They took the bus in those days. Paul said to the mailman, “You know Mr. Vatter, you're the best friend I’ve got.”  Mr. Vatter loved that. He would put him on the cart and push him around.

Paul was also sensitive.  One day he saw out suitcases sitting out and he said, “You know, I always feel sad then I see those because I know your going someplace.”  And he was rights. He was always able to express that. It was good.
