Zoom Interview: Bob & Patrick

When this RFT series first began, I wondered if I would be asked to join in and who might be the one to ask me. It seems in retrospect that Uncle Bob was the obvious one to reach out to me. There are a number similarities (beyond our good looks) that we have with each other:

-       Both born and raised in Auburn.

-       Both the youngest in our families.

-       Both runners.

-       Both lived in Albany.

-       Both moved back to CNY to raise our families.

-       Both have two sons.

-       I don’t have a daughter but I share the same birthday as Abby.

I could ramble on about my crazy uncle and the things we’ve experienced together, but we went far beyond the time parameters Aunt Teresa gave us for this conversation and had to break in up in to two parts. I hope you enjoy watching/listening as much as I had spending the time with Uncle Bob.

Patrick Thomas - April 2021

ZOOM VIDEO Part I: https://youtu.be/SfEXycK9Egk

ZOOM VIDEO Part II: https://youtu.be/LVQLuoqNDdw