Book Buddies!

Book Buddies (Check out this Video!)

Several years ago, I began volunteering once a week in a wonderful reading program called Book Buddies.  The program is exactly what the name suggests – students (K-3) are paired with volunteers.  The “Buddies” meet for 30 minutes each week to read and spend time with one another in the hopes that the student’s reading skills will improve and that this will, in turn, enhance the student’s overall academic skills. 

Originally, Book Buddies operated in only one elementary school in the Syracuse City School District – Seymour Dual Language Academy on the south side of Syracuse.  Book Buddies now operates in three Syracuse schools, two elementary schools (Seymour & Bellevue) and one K-8 building (Roberts).

This year I am working at Roberts and it feels a bit like being home.  Roberts School is a short walk from the corner of Glenwood Avenue and Geddes Street.  Roberts is within walking distance of our old house on Geddes Street and across the parking lot from Corcoran High School.  Roberts is a beautiful building in a part of the city that is still very special to me.  

Like so many things, COVID had a negative impact on Book Buddies.  The program was shut down from March, 2019 until last month.  With a late start, Book Buddies most likely will not have the same kind of positive impact for students this year as it will next year when it begins at the start of the school year.  Nonetheless, a little bit of Book Buddies is better than no Book Buddies at all!

I’m thrilled that Book Buddies is back!  There really isn’t any place I’d rather be each Thursday morning!