St. Patrick's Day


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

You all remember the story.  Thanksgiving dinner on Owasco Street – Mom’s wants us to go around the table and have say what we are most thankful for – Paul cried (of course) and Bobby wraps things up by saying’ “I’m glad I made it!”  Classic.

I am thankful to have lived a life filled with wonderful memories.  Thirty-five years ago today I was having the time of my life (to that point) living in Dublin and attending The School of Irish Studies.

On March 16, 1983 I was finishing my spring break and returning to Dublin in time for St. Patrick’s Day.  I had spent several days in Scotland exploring and playing golf. My plan was to take the overnight ferry in order to be in Dublin on St. Patrick’s Day.  The ferry arrived very early in the morning of St. Patrick’s Day. I assumed I would be returning to a bustling city but it was just the opposite. No bus service and not a taxi to be found.  So much for my plan. I thought the streets would be packed with people celebrating the day until it dawned on me…St. Patrick’s Day is a religious holiday in Ireland – of course there was no one around!

Ten miles later, I was back at the Brady house and looking forward to getting some sleep.  No sooner did my head hit the pillow then there was a knock on my door, “David will you be going to mass with us?”  Religious holiday…Ireland…mass…of course! Mass with the Brady Bunch in Dublin on St. Patrick’s Day – a cherished memory.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!


David  3/16/18

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