Podcasts! with Uncle Dave


For years, my children laughed at me because I enjoy listening to baseball on the radio.  They were convinced that I was the last person on the planet to do so. In my opinion, baseball is better on the radio.  I can’t sit still for 3 hours watching baseball! I can, however, put in my headphones and cut the grass, take a walk or do the laundry and not miss a thing!

For the past several years, in addition to sporting events, I’ve come to enjoy podcasts.  I swear there is a podcast for everything you can imagine. My favorite podcasts are ones that make me laugh, think and teach me something.  Here are some of my favorites.

POLITICS – If you lean “left” you might like these.  If you lean “right” you probably won’t.






~Updated 6/7/18!

~Dave 3/9/18