David Sheridan


Well, from getting invited to join the Ringwood Golf Weekend and now invited to add to the Ringwood Family Tree website I have to say it must be "be kind to the old man" season. Here are some memories to share.......... 

From 1971 – 1974, I was a young man wearing a bow tie and bar-tending at Thirsty's Tavern in Pittsford, NY. I would also work at times at the local wholesaler, Lake Beverage. I had it made. I roomed with friends, had low rent to pay, plenty of free time for golf and had a really hot car. I dated here and there, casually seeing a Nazareth girl from Syracuse named Sharon. She was somewhat serious with a David going to school I think in Albany. She was and is a wonderful person. We were good friends but she liked this other David.

Thirsty's was a tiny place in the town probably a fifteen minute walk from Nazareth College and a five minute drive from St John Fisher College. The girls liked coming to Thirsty's and the boys liked the nearby town of East Rochester. I think the boys did not want to mingle with the many townie guys at Thir. It was very heavily a town bar which many Naz girls came to. I loved my Thir days. We would have a ball with the locals and the girls. We would leave there and go downtown to Nick Tahou's for a 3am "snack" or drag race up and down the adjacent town wide roads. We would even drive 10 miles and race across a newly built bridge over the Irondequoit Bay. Mind you, we would stay for maybe 15 minutes then leave in case somebody heard us and called the cops. My rent was low, my green fees were cheap and so was gas. I had plenty of time. I had gotten away from going to church as many do when they are on their own. I made some family time but it was vastly my time. I traveled to Ohio and Cape Cod even on a whim weekend. I had many friend, as I do now.

And then I was hit by a Tsunami.

I think it was September 9, 1974. I was working at Thir, Sharon was coming up and was bringing her roommate. I remember where they sat and Sharon introduced me to Patty Ringwood. Showing such incredible class I, of course, made a compliment to the two beautiful young girls in front of me....... "Sharon you look foxy. Patty you look nice too." Heh? What a smooth move by a really smooth guy. I should have heard a buzzer go off like on a poor act for America's Got Talent. Well, Patty didn't walk out and she continued to be so nice. Thank you GOD! We talked after my shift and I think we went to a casual party. I was hit by a Tsunami. This girl was awesome! I loved talking to her and I loved her looks. I was bitten hard.

So my dear family (whom I love) this is how it started.

-Brother 8

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