May today I find peace within. May I trust God that I am exactly where I am meant to be. May I never underestimate the infinities possibilities borne of faith. May I take the gifts that I have received and pass on that love to others. May I take comfort in knowing that I am a child of God. Let this presence settle into my soul and allow my heart the freedom to sing; it is there for each and every one of us.
August 5, 2018
WATER … science tells us that it is the source and sustenance of all life; spirituality reveres water for its cleansing and purification powers. As I enter this highly reflective stage of life, water and spirituality have fused together for me - I cannot sense one without the other, and I know that I am a better human being because of it. I somehow discovered the prayer above, personalized it and made it part of my morning ritual to recite these words in my head as I stare down the YMCA pool lane. Holy Spirit … Wash Over Me, is my mantra that coincides with a jump into the pool - and so begins my day, oh so lucky me!
The outdoor hose, sprinkler, Skaneateles Lake, Foster’s Pool, AHS Swim Team, honeymoon houseboat, Canandaigua & Auburn house pools, Finger Lakes parks and camping, Vail’s cottage, canoe, kayaks and paddleboards - they all brought me, and many of those that I love, to the water. Those trips were filled with joy and comfort and challenge shared by friends and family - Ringwoods and Hoerchers!! This past summer holds a special “water story” and I feel compelled to document this tale before the year comes to an end. It is a three-part tale that begins in 1977.
1977 - Jack was a lifeguard at Skaneateles Country Club (SCC) and it was the summer before his 20th birthday. It was the end of another beautiful CNY summer day by the water; his shift was done and I happened to be with him - perhaps his ride home(?) Jack proposes an idea, probably something he had been thinking about over the course of his summer by the water. His thought - let’s swim across the lake! My brother was leaving his teen years behind and I suspect he felt driven to shed them in the water. My reply, “OK”. During that time of my life, Jack led and I followed and so it seemed perfectly right and sensible. This is my recollection … together we pushed the dingy (really reserved for the SCC boaters) out into the water. Without feeling the need to communicate our plan with others or wear life vests, I jumped in and began rowing as Jack swam. He swam with confidence and strength and I was his crew! We crossed the lake (1.491 miles) and then switched roles. As we descended back to where our journey began, the bright light of a strong summer sun was fading. Grey-blue shadows appeared, and it was a bit chilly as we returned the dingy safely back to shore, grabbed towels and gear and headed home to 124. Typical of many summer dinner-table conversations, Dad said, “So what did everyone do today?” and a chorus of conversation followed which included summer jobs, friends, day camp, paper route and baseball games. Jack and I looked at each other and replied, “Oh we just swam across the lake!” It became quiet, Mom and Dad looked at each other, then us … and smiled!
It was summer 2017 and Nancy share with me the news that Jack had just completed a swim across the Chesapeake Bay. What? I couldn’t believe that I did not know of this plan or share in the fun, but the truth is Jack diligently trained with some fellow swimmers at his pool, to participate in the Great Chesapeake Bay Swim … 4.4 miles!! It was his goal to complete this challenge before his 60th birthday, and he did! Ceecy cheered him on and filmed the launch! From afar and after the fact, I admired his effort and his success, making a mental note to do the same.
Summer 2018 - before my 60th birthday! I was following my brother’s lead because I, too, wanted to once again swim across beautiful Skaneateles Lake. Jack jumped at the chance to join me - a mere 40 years after the spontaneous but significant swim. This time, in addition to brother and sister, Bill and Ceecy joined the fun in kayaks on a very early Sunday morning serving as spotters for the swimmers. (Now imagine Ceecy waving paddles in the air to the boaters quite a distance away - ensuring our safety. No surprise to anyone!) Not only did we successfully swim across Skaneateles Lake - but we also swam back - 3.982 miles in choppy waters! It was thrilling, the feeling of the cool clean waters, grateful that our bodies were capable and our loved ones were watching. There was no leader or follower this time, in fact Jack and I veered away from each other in our swim path and interestingly enough, Ceecy followed me and Bill’s stayed the course with Jack. We did it … and for me this really wasn’t about leaving something behind or entering something new - it was a swim of gratitude for all that life has given, especially family.
To be honest, I am jumping in the 60’s with trepidation and apprehension. It is not vanity or regret that brings me to a place of solitude and reflection - far from it. Oh my … so many stories, so many joys and love and people and family and experiences. Truly, more blessings than I feel worthy. In a little over a week I celebrate the gift of birth and life and on that day I will reflect upon my mother and father, my siblings, husband, children and grandchildren and by extension those that each of YOU love. Happy birthday to me, it has been a happy life with all of you. What does it mean to me to be Ringwood - sharing life with all of you!
-Teresa 12/11/18
“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.”