
These two photos. I’ve had them for all the years since Mom passed away.   They’ve always intrigued me …  captured my imagination. Not knowing if brothers or sisters have ever noticed them, it strikes me as a good way to share them … along with my musings.



Hi Mom.  Hi Dad.

Do you remember these photographs?

The where, when, why?

Sure wish you were here to fill in the details.

Alas … you are away now, forever,

but together.

These photos.

Almost silhouettes.

Short on exacting details.

But more than enough for me

to know instantly,

it is you!

No way to know your ages &

places in life that day,

but certainly before any of “US”.

The body of water behind each

of you.

My reaction is Owasco, but what

are those mountains or hills

behind you to the back of Dad?

Clearly posed.  Who decided this

was a scene and setting to

preserve?  Did you photograph

each other? Was another

couple with you?

I sense this is the Fall.  You are

wearing coats.  Did you

drive somewhere to share the day

the day … the changing colors

… each other?

I see you.  I see the youth on

the silhouette of your

faces. I see dreams and  

hope all over these photos..

When these photos were produced

at the camera shop, were

you excited to see them?

I am confident that you looked

at them together … You

mutually remarked how much fun you had together

that day.

Then .. you saved the photos …

for me.


October 2018

Teresa Hoercher2 Comments