
Teresa posed the question, “What does it mean to be Ringwood?”  When I think about that question one thing keeps popping into my brain.  Being “Ringwood”, in part, means never being alone. I’m sure there were moments when I was younger that I wanted some alone time but that was pretty much impossible.  We shared bedrooms, we walked to school together, we ate dinner as a family…

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate the fact that when I was growing up there was always someone around.  I’m sure I took it for granted at the time but if I ever needed anything, my siblings or parents or grandmother were available and ready to help.  Like Teresa says, Ringwoods step up or as Kevin Hoercher so eloquently stated at Andrew & Steph’s wedding – family always comes first.

All of this brings me back to traditions.  Mom, Dad & Bernie taught us to look out for one another and this has become our “inherited pattern of thought and action”.  

Some traditions are established on purpose.  Other traditions are accidental. I stumbled onto what has become a family tradition several years ago – the family Christmas CD.  I never imagined it would become a tradition! I simply wanted to let all of you know that when I hear a certain song, I have a specific memory involving one of you.  The CD was my way of telling you that you are in my mind (and heart) all of the time.



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