The Christmas Creche


(This season I feel inspired to share with you my creche collection story.  If you feel drawn to one of the creches shown in the photos – please let me know which one you would like for your home. It is now time for me to share my collection with all of you!.

St. Francis of Assisi is credited with the first nativity scene in the early 1200s. It was a live nativity designed to help “locals understand and emotionally engage with Christianity”.  As a child, I was in awe of the Christmas story.  I recall the treasured Ringwood family nativity scene proudly displayed.  Baby Jesus was hidden behind the stable and placed in the crib first thing Christmas morning. The joy of Christmas was never to be overshadowed by the birth of Christ.

I have long collected creches; I suspect most do not know the origins…

It was an impromptu invitation from my mother-in-law, Marion Hoercher, to see a creche exhibit on display at Nazareth College in Rochester, NY. The collection was owned by her stepbrother, Earl Kage, a long-time Kodak executive that traveled internationally.  It was magnificent! Even now after all these years I can close my eyes and feel the wonder of it all – that vast display honoring the Holy Family.  The year was 1983 and I was newly pregnant.  I knew that my world was transitioning to something unknown and wonderful and quite honestly a bit daunting.  In that moment of time, I first felt the flutter of Emily; it was even more magnificent than the collection of creches. I was going to be a mother and I knew that I was not alone in this vocation.

That Christmas both my mother and Marion gave me my first nativity scenes. So began a lifetime of creche collecting, most gifts from dear family and friends.

Upon his death, Earl Kage donated 297 nativity scenes to the Mepkin Abbey in South Carolina.  Each year they host the Mepkin Abbey Creche Festival.( Mepkin Abbey Creche Festival 2014 - Bing video ) It is  now time for me to share my creche collection (excluding the original Ringwood family creche, Joan and Marion’s first gifts).  Enjoy the photos of my different creches; each is special, and each is loved and they all tell a story.  Individually and collectively, they remind me of the power of family, and now I want to share them with you. 

With Love,


PS Traditionally I have displayed my collection from the day after Thanksgiving to the Feast of the Epiphany. When each piece is wrapped and safely tucked away, I always make sure that baby Jesus is with Mary.

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