A Trip, An Aunt, An Adventure, A Fond Memory With My Sister


Like so many of us, I have had extra time on my hands during this pandemic and instead of complaining, I have used the time to look at old photos and simply reminisce.

I do not have the exact date but it was mid-sixties and it was a beautiful summer.  Both Patty and I were in grammar school.  So, I am guessing we were maybe 11ish and Patty 9ish, (1962-1965)? 

Aunt Margaret had invited Patty and I to spend a week with her and Uncle Ed in New Jersey.  The best part was that Mom and Dad both said yes.  I was so excited, especially since we were flying down, and Dad planned to drive down and pick us up. Yes, this was a very big deal, Patty and I alone in an airplane with our “Barbie dolls”.  I’ll tell you something, in my mind it absolutely does not get better than this.  I do remember Patty and I playing with our dolls as a stewardess kept a close eye on us.

I have several solid recollections of our time in New Jersey.  The first full day we were there Aunt Margaret took us shopping for a new outfit.  Wow, it doesn’t get any better than this.  I think I selected colored jean shorts and a plain top.  I do not remember what Patty selected but I am sure we were looking at entirely different new clothes.  We were a team, and we appreciated our differences.  The next day we took in all the historical sites in Philadelphia, of course we wore our new outfits.

Monday - Friday, Aunt Margaret packed us up and off we went to the local pool.  The first day there we needed to take a swimming test.  Once passed, which of course we did, we were given a special wristband which allowed us to swim in the “deep end” and go on the diving board.  We would have a packed lunch and Aunt Margaret insisted that we wait one full hour before entering the pool after lunch.  To me that was torture.  Aunt Margaret stayed in her chair and watched us swim all day long, patience of a Saint.

Patty and I shared a bedroom on the second floor, and it was hot.  I remember there was a fan in the window and it was blowing the hot air from the room outside.  I tried everything I could think of, to convince Aunt Margaret and Uncle Ed to have the fan blow the air on us. Of course, Uncle Ed explained using scientific data, all the reasons this was the most efficient way to cool the room. I was not having it. 

It was during this trip that I was introduced to “cocktail” hour.  When Uncle Ed came home from work, we had a cool drink with our own coasters.  The best part was a big pretzel to go along with the drink. 

It was a well-organized week, pool, return home late afternoon, play Monopoly on the porch with Patty, cocktail hour, and dinner.  We loved every minute of it.

One evening Patty and I were in our bedroom and we were homesick.  Aunt Margaret came in and told us how much she missed Terry who I believe was in Europe.  We all had a cry, hugged, and felt better.

Prior to leaving Auburn, Mom was insistent that if we were invited to Aunt Nancy’s while in NJ we were not to go.  That may sound strange now but looking back I believe she was afraid that we may have more fun in Atlantic City with Aunt Nancy than with Aunt Margaret in NJ.  She did not want to hurt Aunt Margaret’s feelings. So mid-week while in NJ yes, we did receive an invitation to Aunt Nancy’s.  We immediately replied yes, and we had a great overnight there until I woke up in the middle of the night remembering Mom’s instructions.  I was a wreck knowing that we did not follow Mom’s orders. Come to find out, Aunt Margaret was thrilled to have a day to go about her own business knowing we were having a good time in Atlantic City and she welcomed us back with open arms when we returned.  Apparently, there was a storm in Woodbury NJ while we were gone and it disrupted our existing Monopoly game which stayed set up on the covered porch.  All was well.

I remember one morning while eating breakfast with Aunt Margaret, she told me, one of her secrets was that sometimes she would have half and half with her cereal instead of milk.  So Aunt Margaret I have held that secret for 60 years, but the cat is out of the bag.

Shortly before we left Uncle Ed and Aunt Margaret took us to the aquarium.  I had never seen anything like it before. Patty and I decided that this would be an ideal location to buy gifts for everyone.  Uncle Ed suggested that we do our shopping together and he would pay.  The plan was we could square up with him the next day. Patty and I of course bought great gifts.  I remember selecting a small cannon for Mike. During the night I was very nervous that Patty and I would not have enough money to give Uncle Ed.  I was actually a wreck.  Well, the next morning came, I faced Uncle Ed and he said we owed him $5.  Whew, I was so relieved, and we pooled our money and quickly handed him $5.  By time we returned to Auburn I knew that Uncle Ed must have spent a lot of money on those gifts, what a guy!

We were glad to see Dad when he arrived to bring us home.  He took one look at Aunt Margaret and said she never looked better!!!!  She got a lot of sun while we were spending lazy days at the pool.

So Aunt Margaret and Uncle Ed thank you again for a very special summer vacation.

-Nancy, January 2021

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