This is Different


Why does “hindsight” seem like forever ago when really it has only been a few weeks? What was once from afar ... is now a personal story way up close; perhaps a glimpse at a new reality.  Despite a life filled with people, those I adore and love, work with, live near, swim, shop, walk and more … I have always known that my being alone felt comfortable.  But this is different … really different and I am not sure how to figure it out. 

One thing that I do know is that I believe in both science and faith.  I also know that I am watching too much TV news; jumping when my phone “bings” and checking in with my email way too much!!!  So my head has told me to stop! OK … I listen to the health officials and men and women of science. My instincts guide me well.  My heart tells me to trust - and so I will and with love and with worry but mostly with hope!


-Teresa March 2020 COVID - 19 / EARTH

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