"Boomer Skills Millennials Just Won't Use"

We have explored plenty of “past” on RFT; my interest this year is the next generation. It might take a bit of time pulling content together, but I am determined to get there. In the meantime, I have been poking around articles that identify millennial characteristics, in comparison to their parents - the Boomer Generation!

An article, “Boomer Skills Millennials Just Won’t Use” caught my attention and I thought it would be fun to know what others think. (Not sure I agree with everything, but maybe that is just the boomer heart in me.)

  1. STAYING MARRIED (Replaced By: Common Law / Cause: Different Idea of the Family Unit)

  2. FIGURING OUT CABLE TV (Replaced By: Different Services / Cause: Streaming Channels)

  3. FINDING A GOOD BUSINESS SUIT (Replaced By: Casual Wear / Cause: Workplace Changes)

  4. BALANCING A CHECKBOOK (Replaced By: Internet Banking / Cause: Different Banking Methods)

  5. IRONING (Replaced By: Dryers, non-crease materials / Cause: Less formal clothing)

  6. READING A MAP (Replaced By: Smartphone Navigation / Cause: Advanced Technology)

  7. DRIVING A STICK SHIFT (Replaced By: Automatic Gearbox / Cause: Changes in Trends)

  8. PLAYING GOLF (Replaced By: Livelier Sports / Cause: Culture Change)

  9. UNCORKING BOTTLES (Replaced by: Different types of bottles / Cause: Cans/screw tops)

  10. WRITING IN CURSIVE (Replaced by: Not writing in cursive / Cause: Less strict schooling)

  11. TRADITIONAL GRAMMAR: (Replaced By: Casual texting / Cause: Various)

  12. SEWING ((Replaced By: Fast Fashion / Cause: It is often cheaper to buy new)

  13. USING A PAPER NAPKIN (Replaced By: Cloth Napkin / Cause: Conscious Consumerism)

  14. BULK SHOPPING (Replaced by: Unknown / Cause: Change in consumer behavior)

  15. USING A LANDLINE (Replaced by: Cell Phone / Cause: Technology)

  16. EATING RED MEAT (Replaced by: Chicken and other items / Cause: Health and Sustainability)

  17. USING FINE CHINA (Replaced by: Regular Crockery / Cause: Out of Style)

  18. SENDING POSTCARDS (Replaced by: Sending a text / Cause: Instagram)

  19. RIDING MOTORCYCLES (Replaced by: Other modes of transport / Cause: Electric Scooter)

  20. BUYING A HOME (Replaced by: Renting / Cause: Financial Constraints

What are your thoughts???

-Teresa (1/2023)

Teresa Hoercher1 Comment