#23 John Ringwood - March 2023


I work as the Central District Park Ranger with the City of Madison Parks Department. I have been working as a Ranger for just under four years now and no two days have been the same. Madison has 289 parks with a variety of different uses, rules and users. I usually spend my shifts driving around to certain hotspots, check for violations and other issues that pop up in parks and work to address them. I have done everything from permit checks, dealing with intoxicated individuals, finding stolen vehicles and work with the unhoused population in Madison to refer them to homeless resources. There are no shortages of things you can find and certainly plenty of things I won’t forget, but that’s what keeps me coming back. 

What fuels you professionally and personally?

Getting to go into a job where you can visibly see the changes you make in areas and now taking my experience and getting to teach new Rangers has been my primary motivators. My days are always made when I go to check on an individual who might be living in a park and the first thing they do is tell me they were able to get housing because I found them and referred them to resources for them or getting to see everyone I train really start to feel confident while doing the job. I think these help keep me level and continue to be someone others can look up to outside of work. 


When not working I like to try and make up on the time I don’t get to spend with Maria and our dog Tillie as I work every other weekend and a lot of night shifts.Usually on those days off we explore restaurants near us, take the dog for hikes, cycle, golf and when it’s nice enough try and spend a lot of time out on the lakes near us. 

Work to live or live to work?

I am definitely a live to work but have gotten better with making sure I take time for myself. 

John Ringwood - March 2023