The Generation Puzzle - Where Do You Fit?


 Resilience, Patriotism, Community, Frugality

“The Greatest Generation refers to the generation of people born roughly between 1901-1927, who lived through the Great Depression and fought in or contributed to World War II. These individuals are celebrated for their resilience, sense of duty and collective sacrifices during some of the most challenging times in the 20th century.”

(The term “Greatest Generation” was coined by Tom Brokaw in his 1998 book THE GREATEST GENERATION)

·         Bernardine Boyle

·         Leo Ringwood

·         John Crawford

·         Teresa McDonald


Conformity, Hard Work, Loyalty, Caution, Respect for Authority

“The Silent Generation refers to people born between roughly 1928 and 1945. This generation grew up during the Great Depression, World War II, and the early years of the Cold War, shaping their outlook and behaviors in a distinct way. The word “silent” stems from the idea that this generation was more conservative and cautious, particularly in terms of political and social activist, compared to later generations like the Baby Boomers.”

·         Joan Crawford

·         Paul Ringwood

BABY BOOMERS 1946-1964

Economic Prosperity, Social Change, Individualism, Cultural Influence, Work Ethic

“The Baby Boomers refer to the generation born between approximately 1946-1964, following World War II.  This period saw a significant increase in birth rates, hence the term boom. Baby Boomers grew up during a time of significant social, economic and political change and they have played a prominent role in shaping modern society.”

“Now reaching retirement age, Baby Boomers continue to influence society, particularly in areas such as politics, healthcare, and retirement planning, due to their large population and economic impact.”

·         Nancy Ringwood

·         Sam Thomas

·         Mike Ringwood

·         Marilyn Bratek

·         Terry McGraw

·         Patty Ringwood

·         David Sheridan

·         Tom Ringwood

·         Marguerite Fanning

·         Jack Ringwood

·         Ceecy Acaster

·         Teresa Ringwood

·         Bill Hoercher

·         Paul Ringwood

·         David Ringwood

·         Mary Babiarz

GEN X: 1965-1980

Independence, Adaptability, Skepticism, Work-Life Balance, Entrepreneurial Spirit

“Gen Z grew up during a time of shifting social and cultural dynamics, characterized by economic uncertainty, the rise of technology and greater independence compared to earlier generations. Gen X is known for its pragmatic, individualistic approach to life and its ability to navigate a rapidly changing world.”

·         Maryellen Sargent

·         Peter Ringwood

·         Julie Paskalik

·         Bob Ringwood

·         Jennifer Yoniak

·         Kelly Thomas

·         Patrick Thomas

·         Matt Sheridan

MILLENIALS: 1981-1996

Digital Natives, Education Focused, Financial Challenges, Value-Driven, Flexible and Entrepreneurial, Delayed Traditional Milestones

“Millennials grew up during a time of rapid technological advancement and globalization, and their upbringing was shaped by both the optimism of the late 20th century and the challenges of the early 21st century, such as the 2008 financial crisis. Millennials are sometimes seen as the bridge between the analog world of Gen X and the fully digital world of Gen Z. They continue to have a significant impact on culture, politics and the workforce.”

·         Molly Ringwood

·         Caitlin Ringwood

·         Josh Sheridan

·         Ben Sheridan

·         Nathan Sheridan

·         Sarah Sheridan

·         Tom Ringwood Jr.

·         Erin Ringwood

·         Mark Ringwood

·         David Ringwood

·         Ned Ringwood

·         Ben Ringwood

·         Emily Hoercher

·         Andrew Hoercher

·         Maggie Hoercher

·         Kevin Hoercher

·         Paul Ringwood III

·         Mitch Ringwood

·         Ryan Ringwood

John Ringwood

GEN Z: 1997-2012

Digital Natives, Socially Conscious, Entrepreneurial and Independent, Diverse & Inclusive, Mental Health Awareness, Pragmatic and Realistic

“Gen Z is the first generation to grow up in a fully digital world, surrounded by smartphones, social media and instant access to information from an early age. Gen Z is characterized by its tech-savviness, social consciousness, and desire for change, shaping the future in ways that reflect their values and digital upbringing.”

·         Michael McBride

·         Alyssa McBride

·         Will Ringwood

·         Emma Ringwood

·         Hannah Ringwood

·         Hunter Ringwood

·         Colin Ringwood

·         Abby Ringwood

·         Sean Ringwood

GEN ALPHA: 2013-2025

Tech Immersed, Highly Educated, Global and Diverse, Health Conscious, Environmentally Award, Influenced by AI and Automation

“This is the first generation to be born entirely in the 21st century, growing up in a world dominated by advanced technology, artificial intelligence, and digital connectivity. Generation Alpha is expected to push the boundaries of innovation and shape future societal norms in ways not yet full imagined.”

·         Sammy Thomas

·         Jack Thomas

·         Michael Venditti

·         Charlotte Venditti

·         Brielle Sheridan

·         Harper Renda

·         Josie Renda

·         Owen Ringwood

·         Olive Ringwood

·         Avri King

Kaia Min Auferio

Haven Ringwood

Julius King

·         Rose Ringwood

·         Ruby Hitchcock

·         Maddie Hitchcock

·         Zoe Hitchcock

·         Chase Hoercher

·         Leo Hoercher

·         Billy Doss

·         Rowan Doss


The intersection of generations is fascinating; it helps to explain the wonder and the angst that sometimes exists between the young and the old. Enjoy and remember, it takes a lot of puzzle pieces to achieve the final picture.

Siblings, please reach out with corrections and additions.

-Teresa (August 2024)


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