RR Issue #16 March 1988


St. Alphonsus captures Western Region Crown

Kelly Thomas


It’s official  - Paul and Maryellen Sargent are engage.  Maryellen has a lovely diamond. They are both flowing and is appears that there will be a wedding in 1989.  So get ready for a wonderful happy occasion. Details will follow!


I am pleased to announce that March 15, 1988 Sam has been promoted to inside salesman with Auburn Steel.  The change should be effective mid-April. Sam looks forward to his new responsibilities with the steel mill and his family is proud of him.  His boss, Mac White says, “I intend to take Sam under my wings.”


Now that Syracuse is eliminated from the NCAA tournament, Nancy doesn’t know who to root for but (sorry about this Jack) but she wasn’t rooting for Georgetown.  Mike was in Wisconsin this week on business. He had time for a nostalgic tour of milwaukee and the Marquette Campus. Mollie spent an overnight with me earlier this month.  We had a great time. She is a delightful little girls. The Sheridans have invited Pete, Bob and me for brunch on Holy Saturday. Teresa, Bill and the children will be there too.  The Tom Ringwood’s are coming for EAster dinner and also David and Mary. Marguerite's Mother and Dad have sold their house. They’re getting ready to moves. I must say I’m finally beginning to think of 106 Mary St as home.  For months it seemed I was living in someone’s else's house. Jack and Ceecy cannot be here for EAster but they are planning to be at Pete’s graduation and at the Crawford family reunion. Has everyone responded to Sarah? Pete will be home Saturday.  He leaves Monday for Houston for an interview with Cooper Inc. And Bob has been accepted at Albany for Fall 1988. He is going to visit the campus in April and stay with the Savage girls. Teresa and her friends are having a baby shower here on April 10 for Susan Tonzi Dungey.


Spring is finally here.  Whether or not we’re all together on EAster Sunday, I’ll certainly be thinking of you all.  We’ll have the traditional EAster egg hunt. hOwever, it may be a little easier to find the eggs this year.  But please remember me in our Easter mass. I will each of you. Think of the wonderful events that have happened to un in the past year.  The Risen Christ has blessed up and Easter is the celebration of all that our faith embraces.

God Bless you all,

PS     Katerina is quite a lady.  She and I are getting to be quite comfortable with each other.

PSS  Please pray for Mrs. Nangle.  She is very sick and may not survive.