RR Issue #15 Feb 1988


If rose are red,  And violets are blue, Then this is a fact,I  love all of you!



By now you have all received the details from Sarah about the family reunion on July 30, 1988.  I called her right away to say that I will be there. I don’t want to put any pressure on you but please let her know as soon as possible your plans.  I think it’s really brave of Sarah to take on the responsibility and naturally she wants it to be successful. Keep in mind that the Ringwood branch is in large proportion.  My next step ts to figure out a good recipe.


JOAN - nicotine free since January 4th

NANCY - Nancy, Kelly and I went out for lunch and shopping in mid-January.  It was fun!

MIKE - talked with him yesterday.  They are all good. He stopped to see Patty last week.

PATTY - I saw her when I visited Teresa and Bill before the move and she’ been busy helping with Emily.

TOM - Mark’s baptism in early January was just great and the party followed, lovely.  We missed Ceecy and Jack.

JACK - How did you like the Syracuse - Georgetown game?

TERESA - Now a Canandaigua - good luck Teresa and Bill!

PAUL - very busy traveling and learning - seems to love his job.

DAVE - stopped to see me on Sunday before the Super Bowl.  He and Mary are fine.

PETE - going to Boston and Poughkeepsie Feb 22nd for job interviews

BOB - back at CCCC.  He’s applies to the State SChools, specifically Albany and just waiting to hear.

Someone asked me the other day - “How do you keep in touch with all your family?”  Reply: “As best I can.” I hope it’s good enough.


God bless you all,

Mom, Joan, Joanie, Gramma etc.