Patty was a great little girl.  She slept and slept. She was wonderful.  Patty always wanted to be perfect. She always folded up her clothes and she always wanted things to be clean and neat.  She wanted to be good. If she misbehaved she was pretty hard on herself. Never, never wanted to upset anybody.

One day when she was in kindergarten she went up the street with Nancy to the store to pick up something for me.  They did that frequently. They had to cross Hamilton Avenue and Patty was struck by a car. I remember it so vividly.  It was like my legs weighed a ton trying to get up to that car. She was OK but that was scary.

She was so good to her brothers and sisters.  She could play in her playpen and never bother anybody and it was helpful with the third baby to have one like that.  She has pretty blond hair; she was cute.
