Michael was just a cute little boy.  Tough little kid. A little bit more mischievous then Nancy.  He had a lot of problems with his ears as a kid. Cam by it naturally.  He had a number of surgeries growing up.

Michael and Nancy could get into trouble.  I found them outdoors one morning standing in the snow in their fare feet out by the swing set.  They were like one and two years old.

Mike had a mind of his own, but was a lot of fun.  He was very athletic like his dad. One day I was annoyed with them because they wouldn't take their naps so I decided not to speak to them.  I was ironing and there was a picture of my husband’s pet dog, Biggsie that he has drowning up. I would hear them saying “Mom who’s whis, what dog is this?”  Finally, Nancy said to Mike, “You know Mike, that’s daddy when he was a little dog.” That broke the ide. I would speak to them after that.

We've always loved the name Michael so that where that came from.
