Zoom Interview: Maggie Doss & Tom Ringwood

A few years ago my Mom and I flew to Florida together to spend some time with my Grandma Hoercher. She wasn’t able to make it to my wedding, and we thought it would be a good opportunity to bring the celebration to her with pictures and videos. While we were there, she shared stories about her life that neither of us had ever heard before. They were beautiful, heartbreaking, and intimate. Hearing her experiences made me feel like I was getting to know someone that I have known my whole life again.

Our trip is something that I will always cherish. It was the last time I saw my Grandma in person. Looking back, I wish I would have taken the time to know more about her life and regret not having similar conversations with Grandma Ringwood. What I really took away from that experience was how singular our view of each other can be. Our experiences can narrow our perspectives rather than seeing the totality of someone’s life.

 When my mom came to us to ask for help on the RFT, I thought it could be a great opportunity to replicate that experience I had in Florida and get to know my family on a deeper level. I know Uncle Tom as my uncle and camping buddy, but not as a brother or teenager or newlywed. I also knew that even if we completely bombed, at least he would make me laugh and we could forget about Covid and being so isolated for at least a little while. Hope whoever is watching enjoys the conversation as much as I did.


Maggie Doss & Tom Ringwood https://youtu.be/4Kul7pfzlTg

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