Zoom Interview: Andrew Hoercher with David & Ben Ringwood

My mom sent us an email (titled, "I kind of blew it...") asking if we would help her out by adding an interview to the RFT website. After I got over my initial concern considering the title of the email, I knew exactly who I was going to interview. I am not sure how many of you know, but I spent a summer with the Jack Ringwood family and interned with Jack's company when I was in college.

At that point my job history was working construction at Upstate Paving, working various basketball camps, and babysitting (aka playing sports all day with) Paulie, Mitchell, and Ryan. Needless to say, Jack was taking a risk giving me this opportunity so I was determined not to let him down. I got off to a rocky start by spilling Starbucks coffee on my khaki pants the first day. Fortunately, it was only up from there. I am not sure how much value I added to the company, but I learned so much and will always be grateful for the experience. However, my favorite memories were the ones we experienced outside of the office.

I don't remember having any concerns or reservations spending a summer in NJ away from my family and friends. I knew Ben and I would play a lot of basketball and I was excited to get to know David & Ned better. I feel like I always had a good relationship with Jack and Ceecy and I was really looking forward to joining their family for the summer. For all those thinking if Ceecy really is that nice and caring? After spending so much time with them, I can definitively say she is actually nicer and more caring than you can imagine. The whole family is.

Overall it was a really cool experience. At this point of my life I was starting to become a "grown-up" and I saw my relationship with Jack and Ceecy transition from just uncle / aunt to friends as well. I've never watched so many Philly's games (or baseball games for that matter) than I did with Jack and I remember the two of us being glued to the TV and barely getting off of the couch as Nadal and Federer battled it out over this incredible match. They took me out for my first ever (legal or non-legal) beer when I turned 21 and really made me feel like I was one of their own, part of the family.

The boys were the exact same way. Since we didn't live as close we didn't get to see each other as much as some other cousins, but as as soon as I got there - I felt like I was just one of the boys.

Ben and I were always talking and playing basketball. One of my most vivid memories that summer was a trip we took to Camden, NJ to play basketball. We did some drills with one of Ben's coaches / trainers and then other people showed up to play some games. They must have needed one more so they asked if I would play. They told me I had to guard Dajuan Wagner (played in the NBA) and they refused to pass me the ball on offense. I hate defense and Wagner was pulling up from half-court and draining shots in my face, so I was a little frustrated after the game. I threw the ball off the backboard (way too high) and somehow caught it and dunked it. It had to be one of the best dunks I ever had. Even the guys I was just playing with were impressed, enough to say that they would actually pass me the ball next game. Besides the dunk, I remember Ben just laughing and shaking his head. That is what was really cool, getting to know Ben better off the court. I didn't realize how funny he is and was instantly impressed with his social skills. He didn't judge people and had friends from all walks of life. I realized, wow, he is almost as cool as me.

David, Ned, and I didn't share basketball, but we did share our love of Blink 182. It was so cool to watch their passion for music and I loved hearing them talk and get excited about it. One of my most vivid memories of them (obviously) involved music. The family let me tag along and join them on their family vacation to the Outer Banks (I know, real tough internship). Overall, it was such an awesome week but there were a few moments that really stand out. I can't remember if it was right before the vacation, but David & Ned recently got these ukuleles. The house was right on the ocean and I have this memory of just sitting on the couch with the doors open, listening to them mess around with their new instruments as I looked out at the ocean. I don't know what it is about that memory, but it has always stuck with me. Aside from their music, it was just great to hang out with them. I thought I would have to get to know them better because we didn't have the basketball or obvious connections, but that wasn't really the case. I felt like we seamlessly fit into each other's lives and I was so impressed / appreciative how thoughtful and caring they were that summer.

So that is a long winded way of saying, I knew I wanted to interview David & Ben ha. There are a handful of moments in my life, where I look back and know how influential they were at shaping me - that Summer was one of those moments. I talk with David & Ben here and there and catch up (will be more now that Ben is golfing, David I still have got faith in you!), but it feels like forever when I actually got to see both of them and hear the family banter. I loved hearing David's long answers / stories while watching Ben shake his head. It's weird saying it because I'm not that much older (even though I feel old now) but I'm really proud of both of them.

I hope you enjoy the video and I would encourage you to do one too. Definitely glad my mom sent the email that scared her children. I guess that's good marketing though because it got all of us to read it ha. It also got me to re-connect with a couple of my boys and let us re-visit a pretty awesome summer. Enjoy!!

Side notes: when covid is over can't wait to have everyone over at our new place. Chase can now walk in some shoes and is already hitting golf balls and dunking basketballs!

Andrew Zoom with David and Ben