#8 Tom Ringwood Jr.

Thomas Ringwood, Nurse Practitioner (Psychiatric) UPSTATE MEDICAL / Director, Clinical Services       Tom & Carey Ringwood (Owen & Olive)

I’ve been a nurse for a little over 10 years now. Three years ago, I went back to school to become a psychiatric nurse practitioner. Since finishing school, I’ve worked at SUNY Upstate treating patients with addiction, chronic pain, and other psychiatric troubles. Most of my work is doing psychotherapy. I love talking to people. It can be difficult work, but it is truly an honor to be included in people’s lives in such a vulnerable and intimate way. 

 In September my colleague and mentor retired, and I took over as the director of the practice. It’s been quite a transition. Managing a clinical service that not only serves patients, but teaches future healthcare professionals, and collaborates with other hospital based and outpatient services is both exciting and challenging.

 Recently I was asked to do an interview for a podcast called The Informed Patient, the topic was anxiety. I am sharing the link here:


 I am really passionate about working with people and helping them to be curious about themselves, their feelings and their experiences so that they can recover from what ails them. I really believe that health (mental and physical) isn’t just about feeling better, it’s about doing/living better. 

 As far as hobbies, luckily, I have two interesting kids, so I get to be into whatever they’re into at the moment. We all enjoy going to Syracuse basketball games together; we are thinking it will be an exciting season! I really enjoy exercise and reading. I love to run. Last year I hurt myself running and had to take some time off. I went to physical therapy; it was a life changing experience for me. I was able to get stronger and more flexible. Now I am back to running, but I take it a little easier. When I started doing physical therapy, I got into lifting weights. Now I do that 3 days a week. Gradually increasing how much I can lift over time has given me a real sense of accomplishment and paying attention to my form has been a meditative way to check in with my body. Reading is my other great passion. I can’t find enough time to read all the books I want to. Some favorite writers are Herman Melville, William Faulkner, Jhumpa Lahiri, Jonathan Franzen, Cormac McCarthy and Jennifer Egan. The last thing I read was The Odyssey

 Thank you so much for thinking of me for Ringwood Family Tree. This has been fun for me to share!



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