RR Issue #2 Oct 1985
Betsy Molak, 3, daughter of William and Cecily Molak, trying out some toys with Teresa Hoercher, director of the new Rochester Toy Library at 892 S. Clinton Ave.
Greeting from the Editor
The response to Issue #1 of the RINGWOOD REVIEW was favorable so let’s see how #2 works. Mom
Coming Up
New Arrivals
Suggestion Box
Teresa has suggested that this year there be two drawings for Christmas gifts – one for adults and one for children. Please contact her for your thoughts on this matter.
Holiday Plans
I’m taking reservations for Thanksgiving and Christmas and would appreciate knowing as soon as possible if you’ll be coming to 124 Owasco St. for either or both holidays. All are welcome. I just need a definitive answer by mid-November.
I’ve just returned home from a teacher-student volleyball game at Blessed Trinity. Nancy was very busy selling soda and popcorn and seemed to love every minute of it. Sister Walter Anne is just the same as ever. The teachers won. I walked with Mike and Molly last night. Molly is really a chatter box on the phone and she speaks so clearly. Bob and I had dinner at Tom and Marguerite’s on Tues. It was a delicious dinner and they are so happy in their new house. Little Tommy is so good. Patty is a bit birthdayed out. She had parties for both of them and they’re very happy in school. Paul called last week. He was going to have a date with Marguerite’s cousin. How did it go Paul? David’s freshman football team won their first game yesterday. He seemed thrilled. Pete was home for a long weekend over Columbus Day. He spend a lot of time with Mark Connor. Mark’s Dad died last Sunday. I am looking forward to Parent’s Weekend at Clarkson next week. Bob is good! Report cards are out next Friday. He is running well but still hasn’t come in first for Auburn this year – maybe tomorrow. Teresa is coming this weekend with Emily. I haven’t seen them since Margaret Crawford’s wedding but as you can see by the front page she has been busy. Bill is finishing up painting their house. Ceecy’s mother and Dad are charming. We had a nice weekend when they visited and of course I was awfully proud of everyone who could meet them. Wait till they meet the rest. Bernie is pretty good. She actually laughed yesterday. I love you all so much. Take good care of yourselves.
All my love,