RR Issue #8 Aug 1986
(photo - Jane Acaster married in village on Saturday)
Please note the correct spelling of Ceecy. Please, also forgive the lapse of time between issues 7 and 8 of the Ringwood Review. As a matter of fact there may be another lapse between 8 and 9. It’s been a wonderful summer beginning with Bob’s high school graduation, beautifully little Erin’s safe and healthy arrival in July and culminating with Ceecy’s and Jack’s beautiful wedding.
A flat tire - Baba Zust’s pool party with everyone diving just like in Florida film of 1968, (A few pounds have been added here and there) - the warmth of getting to know Sharon and Ben, Sherrie, Liv and Terry and Jane and David a little bit better, Mike’s traditional speech, a little disco, a morning swim, the hospitality of the Ekalomes (sp) - and the event for which we were all assembled - a very warm feeling walking down the aisle on the arm of my youngest but 6 foot son - gratitude for friend and family who traveled to show their support and concern for the bride and groom - and the vision of that outstanding wedding party waiting for Ceecy to come down the aisle - a truly meaningful ceremony - the Michelob Van leading the was to Tuxedo Park - a dog name tuxedo - outstanding food, beverages and music - birdseed - at least 30 people gathered in room 108 of the Ramada Inn - a midnight swim by Teresa, Paul and Pete - a car that refused to start requiring about teno fus to ride in Mary’s car to the church - breakfast with the patient and charming Acaster’s wondering if the Rinwoods were to to be permanent visitors - Ben Acaster’s quick fix for Paul’s car - Ted’s generous offer to take Peter to Newark - MIke and Marilyn’s escort service to Newburg - the mystery of extra car keys - an uneventful trip to Auburn and the great relief of hearing Pete’s voice (sleepy but happy) safely back in Michigan with no key problems. Since I intend to send a copy of this to the Acasters, I’ll restrain myself to simply saying: you all are a credit to Dad and to me. Thank you!
Biggest Smile - Nancy
Best Dancers - The Three Davids (A,R, S)
Earliest up in the AM - Mary
Most Miles Traveled - Patty
Coziest Couples - Marguerite and Tom / Teresa and Bill
Unsung Heroes - Brateks, Fannings and L. Hoercher for keeping all the grandchildren safe and happy
Dependability - Paul
Hostess with the Mostest - Jane
Patty would like to have negatives from the wedding so that she can have copies made for her collection. I am sure she will return them.
Virginia (Suster Loyola) and I have decided that we are going to Europe in 1990.
The Crawford sisters are planning their annual reunion for NYC on the last weekend of October or first weekend in November depending on the availability of Uncle Sams apartment.
I would love to include all the new telephone numbers and addresses but since Pet’s won’t be permanent until next week, I will postpone that info,
Jane Acadter called last night as so many others did. She asked me if there is life after weddings. My response is “yes, it’s called grandchildren.”
It occurred to me that Erin and Ceecy made the headlines of this issue. Possibly in about twenty-five years they do it again with Erin being married and Jack and Ceecy celebrating a 25th wedding anniversary.
Now onto October 22th and another great event.
I love you all,